
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."


New Goal

So I have been thinking about what tasks to tackle in this the next year of my life. And of course there are many things I need to work on, but the tangible one that I could plot my progress on and be willing to post about would be to increase my physical fitness. I have been an avid walker for many years now, and have always really enjoyed that. But now that I am trying to shed the last ten pounds or so I feel I need to step it up a notch. Thus far most of my weight loss efforts have centered around improved diet and decreased portions so it seems appropriate at this point to focus more on exercise.
I have decided that running is probably going to be the most time efficient way to achieve this goal, I don't have much time or resources to use at this the pro to this is that the only equipment I really need are some running shoes, which I do already have. Plus at our complex there is a workout room with treadmills which also is convieniant. The con is that I have never have been much of a runner. At first I considered training for a 5 or 10K, but at this point that is kind of overwhelming. I probably could handle a 5k but I would feel like a fraud showing up to something like that . I need to prove to myself that I am runner enough to run in a race first. So step one is being able to run a solid half hour without stopping. I found a training routine to help me do just this on promises that in just ten weeks I will have acheived the desired result. If I make it to the end of the program (when I make it...I should talk positive shouldn't I?) I decide where I want to go from there....will I decide to enter or train for a race of some variety...or will I just maintain that and start focusing on flexibilty or strength training? We'll see. I am on week one right now and so far so good...but if you looked at the training link you wouldn't be very impressed by that. I would love any advice from more seasoned athletes if they are willing to share.


Blogger mimi said...

Amanda, it was fun talking to you last night. I like your plans for running, and know how disciplined you can be. So you can DO IT!!

Wed Oct 11, 01:31:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't you remember when you would make me run 5 - 7 MILES every day at the floating question and I got really bad shin splints? You seem to take more naturally to it...


Wed Oct 11, 02:05:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Elisa said...

I agree with the time/burn efficency of running. It's always worked best for me. My problem has always been the diet side of things. Until recently I could eat what I wanted as long as I ran enough...not so these days (although I am not running either soo...). Anyway, I think you can do anything. I think you would be surprised at how much fun 5K's are. You should try it..the adrenaline and all the other runners make the time pass SO quickly!

Wed Oct 11, 08:24:00 PM GMT-5  

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