
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."


Liam and Asher Update

Liam and Asher have been busy as usual but I thought I would take a minute to document some of thier recent antics etc... Last night I was working in the kitchen and the boys were both playing in the living room (I can see the living room from over the kitchen counter), I looked up to check on them and realized that Asher had found a half PB&J sandwhich in a ziplock baggie (Liam over the past couple of days has insisted on carrying a sandwhich with him just in case he gets hungry, since I just want him to eat something sometime at this point I haven't argued it) that Liam had left unattended. I caught him in the act but he did manage to eat almost the whole thing, mashing it up between his teeth/gums. This was after a large dinner of chicken, rice, zucchini and pears! Fortunately we don't have a family history of nut allergies.

Liam brought home a cute craft from school on Tuesday, a cut out of a mirror where he had coloured in and decorated a picture of himself on one side and poem on the other called "I am special" (sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle"):
I am special, yes I am, In my way I am a star. I have my own special smile, And I have my own special style. I am special, Yes I am, In my way I am a star.
Anyhow, I thought it was fun and wanted to document some of the things he is doing at preschool.


Blogger Elisa said...

So funny. The first piece of candy Miriam ate was a twix she found on Halloween night. She nawed into the package. Imagine my sugar until that point and she was in heaven.

Fri Sep 15, 06:47:00 PM GMT-5  

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