
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."


Liam at School

I finally had a minute to get a picture of Liam with his teacher's this morning, they are both really wonderful and patient. I think this is going to be a really good year for him, the teacher's said today that they can already see an improvement since he started coming this fall. He is doing much better with following verbal instructions and expressing himself, plus he is having lots of fun (although you wouldn't be able to tell that from the picture, he was mad that he was being delayed from playing with cars to have a picture taken).
It makes me really glad that this preschool arangement is working out. Liam really needed to be able to go but what with our student budget and all I wasn't sure how we would make that happen financially. But the opportunity arose for me to teach at the school which would pay for tuition costs, although I was initially apprehensive because that would mean Asher would have to come as well and go to the baby class. However it seems to be working out great, Asher is just next door to me so I can check on him anytime I want to and he really enjoys the ladies he is with (Plus its only two mornings a week so its not a lot of time away). Its also good for me because I get out more often to interact with adults and it forces me to be more organized around the house so that we can all get out the door on time. All in all it seems to be a good move for our whole family.


Blogger mimi said...

I know that look of Liam's. He is just dying to run over and play with something he has his eye on. He's not a poser, but he is a great kid. We love you all, and you, Amanda, for working to let the boys have this great interaction with other children.

Thu Aug 31, 07:41:00 PM GMT-5  

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