
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."



Liam has started an art education program this semester called "ArtQuest"...normally thier classes meet at a building downtown but our preschool has started offering some on site extra curricular programs (such as Kindermusik). Starting in January this art program was being offered until the spring so we decided to sign Liam up and he attends on Wednesday afternoons. We felt that this program would be a good fit for him because during a parent-teacher conference his teacher had noted that he really excels in class during arts and crafts. He exhibits above average fine motor skills when painting etc... and tends to express himself better verbally when involved in creative and artistic activities. So it seemed that this would be a way to help him with his verbal skills while doing something that he likes and is confident with at the same time.
So far we couldn't be happier with the program and Liam loves it. Each class involves an art history componant where the children are exposed to an artist and thier creative style. The children are then given an opportunity to try and recreate the artist's techniques themselves. After that there is usually a "story time" and afterwards a craft that centers on some componant of the story...the parents are asked to participate with the child for this last portion. The teacher also uses this as an opportunity to educate the parents about creative aspects of child development and things to try at home. The pictures are some samplings of Liam's work so far!


Blogger Elisa said...

This program sounds amazing! Liam's artwork is really great too.
Miriam doesn't like to color which kind of worries me. She does her Joy school crafts just fine, unless they involve her coloring anything. Is that strange?

Thu Feb 08, 11:48:00 PM GMT-5  

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