
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."


A Play Date Interupted

On Wednesday mornings our ward typically has a play group that meets at a local park, we are regulars. This morning when we got there Liam apparently was just not in the mood to socialize. He wouldn't go and talk to the other kids or play on the jungle gym. He just moped around beside me and kept pulling on my arm to get my attention but wouldn't tell me what he wanted, (he was probably just jealous that some of my attention was being used to talk with the other moms there). Anyways, after a while of this he decided to make a run for it across a wet field to where the public washrooms are located. As I was carrying Asher it was very difficult to chase him. When I finally caught up with him he looked at me defiantly and then jumped into a very muddy knee deep puddle. Of course at this point it was time to go home. I dragged him and Asher back across the wet field to where our bags were waiting and as I was trying to gather everything up it turned out the one of ther mothers of the children in my Tuesday/Thursday class was there with her little boy and saw us. She came over and was trying to make pleasant conversation while I was dealing with a muddy, flailing and screaming Liam. What an impression I am sure we made!! Fun time at the park. After that we went straight home and mandatory early nap time was prompty enforced after a quick hose down in the tub.


Blogger everything pink! said...

ohh sounds like most of my days.

so hard to chase a three year old with a baby on the hip

Wed Sep 20, 09:51:00 PM GMT-5  

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