"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."
Popularity of the male name Kingston
Year of birth - Rank
2008 ---------unkown
2007 --------355
2006 --------942
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth. Data are not shown for some of the years you specified because the name Kingston was not in the top 1000 names for those years. Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.
Voting Results
Only 7 people contributed, so that is why the only percentages you will see are divisible by 100/7.
For the first one, the % do not add up to 100, so don't lose sleep over it.
43% of you would trade your vote for free dues to a Country Club for 2 years, free groceries for a year, or even free gasonline for your car.
28.6% of you would do it for a free week vacation, a semester of education and free rent/mortgage for 4 months.
14.3% of your would do it for a free iphone with 2 years service, or $15k worth of cosmetic surgoery.
All in all, 28% of you claim you vote is priceless, while 72% would do it for one of the things mentioned at the top.
For all the people questioned all but one can legally vote and will.
72% have no clue who you will vote for for School Board. So if you ever thought about running for school board, might not be a bad idea.
100% of you were given the choice to appoint anyone to be the president. You could have chosen anyone! You could have chosen ANYONE! And all of you choose either Obama, McCain, Romney or Palin. Maybe I didn't make this clear, you were really appointing someone. So if you chose, John Jingleheimer, we would have had 4 years of jingleheimer. Considering only people I know, who are family and members of the church, no one thought to elect any of the Apostles. Oh well, I didn't want to put that as an option, because I didn't want to mess with the results.
If given the choice to do either a negative vote or a positive vote, 3/7 of you would rather do a negative vote than a positive vote.
Out of 12 candidates listed, you all hate Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich the most. I agree whole heartedly.
Out of 7 people, 3 of your are choosing the lesser of 2 evils, 3 are choosing someone they like, but it was not their fisrt choice. 1 of you actually feels that you are voting for the one person in the world that you would choose over anyone else. You love this person so much, you don't care what the odds are.