
"Canadian by birth, Southern by the Grace of God."


Soccer - Season 2

This time around Liam was a lot more in everyone's face in the game this season. He took things very seriously and never stopped running around. At halftimes and quarters, they sit and listen to the coach. A lot of times, I would send Asher out to Liam with a drink, and Asher would sit there and listen to the caoch. Asher is very excited to start playing. He can dribble the ball very well.
Most of the games we went to, Liam was dribbling the ball a lot and keeping a good pace the whole game. The first 4 games we told him he did a good job by dribbling the ball, but he would say he didn't win. So then the 5th game, he scored 5 goals, and I asked him if he won. He said he did, but he said 5 was not enough, and that he needed to score 100.
I told him, ok, that is fine, you have 2 games left and 95 to go.


Blogger mimi said...

Yeah for soccer. It was fun to see the boys doing sports. I can see that Asher looks up to his big brother, and can hardly wait to play soccer too. He doesn't look just 2 1/2 years old. I see that Liam isn't the smallest boy on the team. He looks tall.zxolhc

Wed Jul 02, 08:38:00 AM GMT-5  

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